I have always dreamed of traveling out of the country and when I heard I could do for free, the only thing left to decide was when.

My professors often advised us to get out there and travel by any means – explaining there’s never going to be a right time if we try and look for one, so we should just pick a time and go.

My trip was organized under Ezra-Taglit, a birthright group, allowing young Jewish-Americans to travel to Israel.

On the trip, we laid eyes on three of the Israeli borders, we canoed down the Jordan River, swam in the Mediterranean Sea, floated in the Dead Sea, rode sassy camels, camped out in a large Bedouin tent, went wine tasting, walked through Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, prayed at the Western Wall, witnessed an Israeli artist blow glass, walked through the Masada, and visited The National Holocaust Museum.

One of my favorite stops on the trip was an innovation center, which displayed Israel’s newest technology and gadgets. Their inventions include a digestible pill with a camera, a headgear with a 360-degree view of a virtual reality, a dispenser that filters moisture in the air into water, and a gadget that documents a person’s everyday actions, sights, and whereabouts into text.

The trip not only fueled me spiritually, but as an artist, the scenery and history greatly inspired me. Travelling between new and old cities was visually stimulating, with cultural and architectural differences in every location.

  • border_v2
  • rabi_v2
  • camel_v2
  • winetransparent_v2
  • westernwall_v2
  • glass_v2
  • masada_v2
  • soldier_v2
  • tower_v2

This summer has helped me grow as an artist immensely. My trip to Israel exposed me to new sights and a different culture, giving me more perspective to bring into my artwork. After my trip, I returned to my internship at halfGenius where I was able to reflect on my trip and bring my inspirations back into my work. I was given the freedom to come up with my own ideas and put my own style into my art, using my compositions to highlight the halfGenius brand.

Having creative freedom is something I value dearly, and being part of a company that provides it is very encouraging to me. Through the creative freedom I was given, I discovered that I enjoy making animations and my art holds characteristics of boldness, contrast, and simplicity. I am very proud of the pieces I created for halfGenius, and I am unbelievably lucky to be able to say that my personal voice is in each piece.