The Art of Embracing Imperfection: How Half-Genius Thinking Unlocks Creativity and Innovation

jasonBlogs, Digital Bravery, Industry, Inspiration, Uncategorized

Introduction Perfection is a myth. We strive for it, chase it, and sometimes obsess over it. But what if the secret to success isn’t in achieving perfection, but in embracing imperfection? In a world where progress is often hindered by fear of failure, adopting a “half-genius” mindset—one that values experimentation, flexibility, and learning from mistakes—can lead to greater creativity and …

Thanksgiving gobble gobble

Happy Thanksgiving!

Rachel CeveraFun + Lifestyle, Inspiration, Uncategorized

In honor of my grandmother, Pearl “Fluff” Salkowitz In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I hope you enjoy this poem written by my Mommom in 1960 for her daughter (my mother) to read in school when she was a little girl. Known by many as Mommom, Fluff, Sis, and Petal, my grandmother Pearl Salkowitz, is also known as a poet and …