Building Community + Fostering Trust Among Clients
Recently, not a day has gone by without the tech industry in the headlines. Facebook, Google, Amazon, and other tech conglomerates face increasing public scrutiny, and society as a whole is coming to terms with the social impact of rapid digital transformations. While at one point we let technology take its own course, the time has clearly come for critical reflection.
In this environment, halfGenius continuously reevaluates our role in the wider marketplace and how we provide value to our clients. Founded in 2011, our goal has always been to harness the creative power of technology and to help brands foster authentic and meaningful connections with their target audiences.
In the past, consumers were inundated by T.V. ads., magazines, and billboards. The customer was simply a ‘consumer,’ but today, they’re individuals. Social media and real-time technology has made the brand-consumer relationship much more transparent. While we feel this is a positive shift, brands cannot compete without embracing this new paradigm. A marketing strategy that isn’t conversational and interactive is doomed to fail, and an agency that doesn’t exhibit empathy and show constant attention will never stand out.
As a full-service creative agency, we have tried to meet these standards by combining strategy, design, and technology. We have delivered innovative and integrative solutions to both local and international clients alike. Just as we have successfully helped brands build trust and loyalty among their own customers, halfGenius is also committed to forming strong relationships with our clients. As we wrote in a previous blog post, our clients are our family—and above all, our other half.
As part of our ongoing effort to engage our current and prospective clients, we recently joined Clutch, a market research firm, based in Washington, D.C., and ratings and reviews platform. Clutch features 6,105 creative and digital marketing agencies. Each firm is thoroughly evaluated and then ranked based on the quality of their work, clientele, industry reputation, and most importantly, client feedback.
Clutch takes a unique approach. Our clients were directly interviewed over the phone by a Clutch Analyst. The resulting reviews not only discuss the business challenges and the solutions that were ultimately delivered to address them, but also how the project was managed, quantitative and qualitative results, as well as any areas for improvement.

More insights are featured on our profile. Overall, we’re grateful for these comprehensive reviews. Clutch’s process not only gives our clients a chance to reflect on their collaboration with us and the impact it has had on their business, but also gives halfGenius the opportunity to use client feedback to grow as an agency and excel in a highly dynamic industry.

Executive Producer & President